History of Play By Ear™ Method

History of Play By Ear™ Method - learn how this unique method was developed.

From 1979 to 1985, Alex Leow, a product demonstrator for an established music-based company came to the realization that many music students are missing out on that one vital ingredient that makes music enjoyable, meaningful, fun and rewarding. He noticed that while these students are proficient in their music theory and rudiments, they lack the vitality and spontaneity of the professional musicians in the hotels, pubs and nightspots who are mostly self- taught and “by ear” musicians. Everybody loves music! Sadly, it is assumed that musical talent is found only in a selected few. Through his research, Alex has found that 95% of people have the innate musical talent to make decent music if given proper guidance. And he can help them achieve it - through his alliances with the various music schools.

How it all began1

Besides being able to play solo, students are also required to play in a band like how real musicians do.

How it all began2

The Play By Ear method is an universal concept on the Art of Making Music which is applicable to all instruments.

How it all began3

Some of the materials used in the Play By Ear Method.

How it all began4

Teachers are required to attend and re-attend training to improve their level of competence. Licences to teach are issued yearly subject to proof of competence on the Play By Ear method.

How it all began5

Roadshows conducted by Play By Ear graced by Tun Dr Siti Hasmah (also our student).

How it all began6

Graduation Certificates awarded by Tun Dr Mahathir.


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